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(1 edit) (+1)

I absolutely loved the game, it was fun and it was hooking. The only thing I'm unhappy about is the cliffhanger ending.


Thank you very much and yeah... Sorry about that cliffhanger...

Don't worry, I don't plan on doing that kind of stuff for each release. Probably ;-)

(1 edit)

So there is going to be another chapter, right? And I'll have to confirm something with you on discord

(1 edit) (+1)

Of course,

I'm far from being done with my story!

Feel free to contact me on Discord anytime.

(1 edit) (+1)

Wonderful story and very excited for Part 2

Thanks for the kind words!

Why I can's install the apk on Android


What's the error message?

Now I have solved my problem

Thanks for this game with amazing storyline

Thanks to you who're playing it!

Alright, I'll admit, I was sceptical going into it. But I love it. The story is good, the animations are good. The only thing that I'm really concerned about is the release schedule.

Thank you!

Indeed release schedule is also an issue for me but I'll do my best !


uh the pc version is a corrupted file


Hello there,

Maybe that's the download who failed at some point and the archive was corrupted. Do you have any kind of message?

Same problem here, but android file, it's just stop downloading, idk why, I checked my internet first, and I have more than enough space on my phone.

And also now I have a shadow file (sort of?)  Chrome tells me I already have (filename) then I click on download button, but I don't have it (apk file). It's kinda weird tho.

Great game btw, waiting for fix.


Alright, I'll take a look no later than tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I've also created some mirrors if you want to try these. All links are publicly display in the last Patreon post


Alright, just checked both PC and Android version downloaded directly from itch and everything if fine on my devices. I you feel like it, don't hesitate to send me some logs files.

Alright, just checked both PC and Android version downloaded directly from itch and everything if fine on my devices. I you feel like it, don't hesitate to send me some logs files.

Any idea that when will you release next version?



To be honest, I'm a bit overwhelmed by work for a couple of months and that should continue till the end of December.

After that, I'll try to lighten my schedule to include DW dev time weekly.

So, to answer your question : I don't know. I hope I'll be able to manage a release before Christmas but I can't promise anything yet.



Good to see you are still working on it. Looking forward to the next update. Do take the time you need though. Quality content is worth the wait. Rushing stuff does more harm than good.


Thank you!


hey dont worry, i say this to all devs but a delayed game is better than a rushed one, take all the time you need. (I waited years for Omori to come out months to years dont matter to me)



I'm actually intrigued by the story very interesting love the characters looking forward for the next update keep up the good work 


Thank you very much!

Is this game complete


Hey, currently still under development. We're far from reaching the end of the story

Is this game complete?


pls make android version


Hello there,
There is one that you can download right here on itch ;-)


mb I didn't see it because it is showing with linux symbol instead of andriod


Loving the game so far, the plot line, characters, powers, and cuteness. Hell thinking about replaying for the story. Just what other games are you planning on incorporating? I'm curious about some childhood shows say, Ben 10, Code Lyoko, and others would that be a possibility?


Code Lyoko would be awesome!  its such an underrated show and my favorite!

Can I play on Android and if yes, how ?

Hey sir,

Of course you can.

There is a download link to download the apk available right here on

Just download the game then install the app and you're ready to play.



Add more Naruto content .I liked the scenes with Sakura hinata and ino.I can say that others liked too


Is this game still being worked on?



Yes of course!


So the next update is going to be released on Jan? Can't wait to play it


Awesome concept and game so far. Very interesting. Can't wait to see what else you do!


Thank you very much Vekman !

Do you have a walkthrough?


Not at the moment. A wiki is on its way but that could take a bit of time.

Are you stuck somewhere in particular?

(1 edit) (+1)

not particularly I just wanted to know the routes of some characters. Really a good game though.


I'll try to get the Wiki up and running ASAP.

Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed my  story !


I loved this game so much

Thank you!

Early 2023!

idk why but hames crashes when I start through renpy, I'm on android 

any idea or guidance?


Do you have an error message or a log file ?

Hi and no I run the exe file through renpy on my android,it goes to the renpy loading screen then crashes i use ranp v 1.01.701

Have you tried with the apk file ?

i just downloaded and extracted the file but for some reason the game does not want to start and i dont know why

Hello there,

That's not normal, on which platform are you playing ? Do you have an error or something?

I found out the problem somehow my computer was corrupting the file but I did get it to work I just needed to re-download i


I hope you'll enjoy your playthrough!



Amazing content so far. I'd even go as far as to say the renders for outside content(Naruto) is even better than some dedicated parodies in that realm
Would love to see you do a game in said realm or more content with them!

Good job!

Thank you very much druid!

I'm glad you enjoy DW!



I remember that you once mentioned that you work in IT field as your full-time job and that you spend just your free time to develop this game.

So... It means you won't update to Ren'py 8, right? :(



Yeah that's true, I have a job full time in IT but that don't mean I won't update to renpy 8 ;-)

I'll take a look at it in the next few days.


Hello there,

Just to let you know that I finally upgraded to Renpy 8! So 3.7 should work for you!

Not a fan of pornographic content involving characters from other franchises, as well as the term "roommate" being used when it's clearly supposed to be something else. A shame, aside from those two things the game seems promising.

Hey Kvaffle.

I'm sorry about these two things not being to your liking. NSFW events involving others char are totally optional but I can't do something about your other point because of other platform rules.

Still thank your for your feedback!


(1 edit)

Yo, the point abutt the relationships can be handled like what taht guy rebootlove guy(and some others butt i cant remember any names now) did, letting the users decide for themselves what relationship the mc and other characters will have

 One other way is to use a Fan Patch. There is one you can find on internet.

And while looking for it, also look for more games that dont have the things they dont like, iits not as if they are forced to play this one game after all, there are too many other options

Deleted post

Hey, I was uploading a fix, sorry.

 Is it okay now?

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted post

No problem!

Big plot hole or story inconsistency.

MC and May are supposed to have no memories of each other, how then, does MC remember May wanting to go to a prom before the end of the world? And it's at the start of the event it's made clear they're only getting on until the memories are restored, so how does MC remember anything? Why did May ask if he remembers? 

And when are we supposed to have been shown Mays powers? The first we hear about them is when they're talking about how she feels weird using them. It's implied they're nuclear powers of some sort, but that's our first time learning anything about them and it's treated like we already know her powers

Just noticed that my reply was never posted... Here it is then

You're right about the plot hole here. I'll fix that in next version. I haven't paid enough attention here, my bad.

About May's power, you don't get too see exactly how they work but as you said, it's implied at the end of Chapter 1 (especially on the last pic).

Why does MC have the slave brand from One Piece as a tattoo on his calf?


Good catch!

MC's just both a OP and Ocarina Of Time fan so he wanted to get a tattoo that's close to both universes. The OP slave mark is also close to a Goron paw tattoo, that's why he chose that one.

ok i just created an account for this.... ><
will there be a tracklist released?
and yes, i know that in the credits there are a section for the artists, but theres a song i can't find anywhere, which plays when you go shopping with the girls.
im searcing for hours now, but i just can't find it anywhere....i don't even listen to this genre normaly, but if ocd gets turned on thres no stopping. ><
pls help this lost soul!
thanx in advance! ^^

ok i found it :P
Ice2Hand - Tokyo
Artist is not on the credit list tho so it was a grind ><

Nice find!

I forgot to add that one on credits, I'm the one to blame on this one...

These are what i could find:
Vicetone & Tony Igy
Niklas Johansson
Lakey Inspired
Wayne Jones
Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Scott Buckley
DJ Andrés „El Chico Mezcla”
Aaron Kenny

www . purple-planet . com

i digged tru the game files and i think thats all, so one less problem to worry about for you! ^^

cheers mate, great game btw! ^^


Thanks for the help. I'm glad you liked the game!

Anal sex?


Are they roommates or siblings? Uhm..

Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

For real though is there a patch that I'm missing

I suggest that you look on the F95zone thread to find what you seek ;-)

I just started playing the game and then I saw "I was once your ROOMMATE." 



I'm Beggin'🎶🎶🎶

Stuck in loading page. (Vivo u20)

I'm sorry to hear that. What's your android version?

Pie (9)


Hum, strange. DW should work perfectly on Pie...

If you don't mind, could you copy the log file (here or on Discord PM if you prefer). Log file could be found here : Android\data\dreamland.wanderer\files

Mon May 30 21:30:13 2022

Unknown platform.


Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s

Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s

Manufacturer vivo model vivo 1921

Screen diagonal is 5.36918289873 inches.

Early init took 0.08s

Early init took 0.08s

Android search paths: /data/data/dreamland.wanderer/files/game

Loader init took 0.03s

Loader init took 0.03s

Loading error handling took 0.07s

Loading error handling took 0.07s

Loading script took 0.67s

Loading script took 0.67s

Saving to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dreamland.wanderer/files/saves

Loading save slot metadata. took 0.00s

Loading save slot metadata. took 0.00s

Loading persistent took 0.00s

Loading persistent took 0.00s

Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)

Set script version to: (7, 4, 10)

Running init code took 0.19s

Running init code took 0.19s

Loading analysis data took 0.06s

Loading analysis data took 0.06s

Analyze and compile ATL took 0.02s

Analyze and compile ATL took 0.02s

Index archives took 0.00s

Index archives took 0.00s

Dump and make backups. took 0.00s

Dump and make backups. took 0.00s

Cleaning cache took 0.00s

Cleaning cache took 0.00s

Making clean stores took 0.00s

Making clean stores took 0.00s

Initial gc. took 0.09s

Initial gc. took 0.09s

DPI scale factor: 1.000000

Creating interface object took 0.00s

Creating interface object took 0.00s

Cleaning stores took 0.00s

Cleaning stores took 0.00s

Init translation took 0.14s

Init translation took 0.14s

Build styles took 0.01s

Build styles took 0.01s

Load screen analysis took 0.06s

Load screen analysis took 0.06s

Analyze screens took 0.00s

Analyze screens took 0.00s

Save screen analysis took 0.00s

Save screen analysis took 0.00s

Prepare screens took 0.25s

Prepare screens took 0.25s

Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s

Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s

Save bytecode. took 0.00s

Save bytecode. took 0.00s

Running _start took 0.00s

Running _start took 0.00s

Interface start took 0.33s

Interface start took 0.33s

Initializing gles2 renderer:

primary display bounds: (0, 0, 2340, 1080)

swap interval: 1 frames

Fullscreen mode.

Vendor: 'Qualcomm'

Renderer: 'Adreno (TM) 612'

Version: 'OpenGL ES 3.2 V@334.0 (GIT@7af8c13, I660d9e8ecf) (Date:04/10/19)'

Display Info: None

Screen sizes: virtual=(1920, 1080) physical=(2256, 1080) drawable=(2256, 1080)

Maximum texture size: 4096x4096

Total time until interface ready: 2.32517814636s


Thanks, I haven't find anything wrong with it.

Dumb question but have you tried to restart your phone?

Next step would be to do a clean install : remove the game completely (backup your save files if you have any) and try to reinstall latest version.

If that doesn't work then I'm afraid to be out of ideas :-(...


Man you won't notice hours passed by when your playing something good. Looking forward for the next part!


Thank you very much!

It's good to know that you enjoyed it!


after about 4+ hours of playing I finished it and will be back for the update and I have some questions: do you have a release date planed for the new update? And how long will this chapter be? Thank you for this amazing story/game( ˘ ³˘)♥


Thanks Az!

It's difficult to define a precise release date as work on that game only on my free time (it's only a hobby after all). Still, my goal is to release every 2/3 months.

Chapter 3 is divided in two parts (and it should be the same for the upcoming ones). So, the next release will be part 2 and it should be approximately of the same length as the first part (so around 1h of gameplay).

thanks for this information and I'll gladly wait for it 😉




Pretty nice game. I had plenty of fun. +1 follower.


Thank you for your words Nome!

Deleted post

Of course ;-). Chapter 3 development is in progress!


Can you make it downloadable on the app? So not only on the website.


Hello Demon,

Thanks for letting me know. Just tried it and, indeed, mega download isn't supported from the app.

As the game is more than 1GB, I can't upload it directly on itch, but I writed an email to the support to ask what are my options. 

Will let you know when I'll get some news.



Okay, and thanks for trying atleast!


Hey DG,

Itch support increased the upload limit for me to upload the game on their servers (which will makes it available to download from the app).

As Chapter 2 should be released in a few weeks, in will use this method to put it online.



Hey, i see that chapter 2 has been released to the public. And i think you might have forgot about making it downloadable on the app?



Hey Demon ,

I just checked from my computer and you're right. I uploaded the files on itch but forgot to check targeted Platforms...

My bad, it should be good now.

Thank you for your feedback.


(2 edits)

Great Looks awesome! But for 1.45gb it has not much content (yet) but I like the game i just waiting for the update juust easy on making the size bigger (if you can) no pressure tho cya

Hey Bloody,

Thank you! Don't worry about the size, I plan on releasing a compressed version along the regular one for next chapter ;-).


Great game man looking forward to the next update. 

Thank you DedSec. I'm glad you liked it!

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